Inclement Weather
overcast clouds, 07 September11 °C
overcast clouds, 08 September9 °C
overcast clouds, 09 September8 °C
clear sky, 10 September8 °C
few clouds, 11 September16 °C
scattered clouds, 12 September21 °C
Weather Related Information
If buses are cancelled, a post will be shared as soon as possible (usually before 8 am) on our school Facebook page or you can view the Facebook feed directly from our website without giong to Facebook.
FACEBOOK Feed on our Website: Facebook Feed
FACEBOOK: Moose Factory Ministik School
In the event of a bus cancellation, the school will remain OPEN to staff and students.
However, Parents & Caregivers are encouraged to use their parental discretion when making the decision to keep your children home or send them to school.
If you choose to send your kids to school, be sure to make transportation arrangements for your child(ren) to return home at the end of the school day.
Friday September 6 💚 day 11 ☔️☁️
⏰Classes start at 9am & 1pm - -supervision 8:45am, 12:45pm each school day
-lunch dismissal 11:55-12:05
-end of day dismissal 3-3:10
📞please call the school office BEFORE 11:30am and 2:30pm with transportation changes!
❌🚌 NO BUS SERVICES - MCEA service resumes Monday. Routes, bus stops and details to be shared…
Q- what does my child need for school each day?
A- indoor shoes, morning snack, and a refillable water bottle - students in kinder and grade one should also bring an extra set of clothes - in a backpack
🚘 please be a little extra cautious as you approach the school in the parent pick up loops 👀 eyes on the road and off your phone 📱
🚶♂️always use the walking path when walking to pick up or drop off students
🚫yelling for your child to run through traffic is dangerous
⛔️no one is to be crossing the small loop on foot except at the designated cross walk location and times
‼️All dropoffs: please use the large loop💖
📲 we have an app!! *google play coming soon….
👀 see our 2024-2025 school plan for details!
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